Posted on Mon 14 August 2023 in Projects


About the Project

The overall objective of CircAgric-GHG is to enhance circularity within and between farm typologies across an agro-ecological gradient. The project include farms located in the arctic climate in Norway, via the oceanic climate of UK and Ireland, continental climate of Germany, Mediterranean climate of Spain and Italy to the tropics in Kenya and the dry and temperate climate of South Africa. Solutions will be achieved by the combined efforts of internationally recognised scientists, stakeholders and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) including satellite and drone remote sensing, flux-tower and GreenFeed monitoring of livestock and soil emissions, and state-of-the-art environmental modelling.

Using farm typologies as a baseline, the extent of existing circular practice implementation will be evaluated. Promising practices to enhance circularity will be proposed across typologies and agro-ecological zones. High-resolution modelling of resource cycling and green hous gass (GHG) emissions at farm and landscape level will be undertaken using process- and farm models, with remote sensing of particularly uncertain land use emission fluxes using novel satellite and drone technology.

Life cycle analysis (LCA) will be applied to integrate modelling outputs into environmental footprints of food production, developing a novel framework for future projects. Farm-scale modelling will also inform a marginal abatement cost curve and a decision support tool, enabling robust comparison of GHG abatement efficacy of specific circular practices.

Role of FUSION research

FUSION researchers act as integrated analysis lead for the CIRCAGRIC project