Goblin Package Documentation

Posted on Fri 29 March 2024 in Student Resources


This document provides an overview of the GOBLIN lite packages, including links to their documentation and source code repositories. The documentation is being actively developed and updated. While some packages may not have extensive documentation available yet, their basic usage and descriptions can be found in the README files of each repository.

For further inquiries about the GOBLIN lite packages, please reach out to Colm Duffy at colm.duffy@universityofgalway.ie.

Package Documentation

Here is a list of the available documentation for the GOBLIN lite packages. Please note that some links may lead to the README documents where full documentation is still being developed:


Below are the GitHub repositories for the GOBLIN lite packages. These repositories contain the source code, installation instructions, and additional details for each package:

An access token is required for these repositories, please reach out to Colm Duffy at colm.duffy@universityofgalway.ie to arrange access.