Guide for Engaging with FUSION Projects on GitHub

Posted on Mon 14 August 2023 in Student Resources

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GitHub is a powerful platform that enables collaborative software development and version control. Engaging with FORESIGHT projects on GitHub requires familiarity with the platform and its best practices. This guide will walk you through the process of engaging with GitHub repositories for FORESIGHT projects and highlight the importance of version control.

Why GitHub and Version Control Matter

GitHub serves as a centralized platform for managing code, collaborating with others, and tracking changes in projects. Version control is essential for maintaining the integrity of the codebase, facilitating collaboration, and enabling seamless tracking of changes over time. It allows multiple contributors to work on the same codebase without conflicts and provides a structured approach to managing updates and enhancements.

Getting Started with GitHub

Before you start engaging with FORESIGHT projects on GitHub, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of how GitHub works. To ensure you are proficient in using GitHub, consider completing the following training resources:

  • GitHub Training: Offers interactive courses and tutorials to help you learn the basics of Git and GitHub.
  • GitHub Learning Lab: Provides hands-on projects and guided learning experiences to enhance your GitHub skills.
  • GitHub Skills: Offers practical resources and exercises to improve your proficiency in using GitHub effectively.

Engaging with FORESIGHT Projects

Requesting Changes to an Existing Repository

To contribute to an existing FORESIGHT repository on GitHub, follow these steps:

  1. Open an Issue: Use the appropriate repository template to open an issue. Describe the problem, enhancement, or task you plan to work on. This initiates the discussion and informs other contributors about your intention.

  2. Update Main Branch: In your local repository, ensure that your main branch is up to date with the repository's main branch to avoid conflicts later on. Use the command: git pull origin main.

  3. Create a New Branch: Create a new branch that is related to the issue you opened. For Example, if your issue number is 7, create a branch named issue_7.

bash git checkout -b issue_7 4. Make Changes and Commit: Make your changes, add new files, and stage your commits. Use descriptive commit messages and link the commit to the issue (e.g., #7) to create a connection between the changes and the issue.

git add .
git commit -m "Fix issue #7: Add new feature"
  1. Push to Repository: Push your branch with the changes to the repository.

    bash git push origin issue_7 6. Create a Pull Request (PR): Open a pull request, linking it to the issue. You can use keywords to automatically close the issue once the PR is merged

  2. Complete the PR Template: Ensure the pull request template is properly filled out. Validate your changes and confirm that tests have passed.

  3. Review and Merge: Other contributors and maintainers will review your pull request. If everything is satisfactory, they will merge your changes into the main branch.

  4. Update Local Main Branch: Switch back to your local main branch and pull any changes from the remote repository.

    bash git checkout main git pull origin main

  5. Delete the Branch: Your issue_7 branch is no longer needed after the changes have been merged.

    bash git branch -d issue_7

Divergent Packages and Models

If you're creating a divergent model or package that won't integrate with the current version, consider forking the repository. Clearly communicate and coordinate with your assigned supervisor and the repository manager to discuss potential impacts.

By following this process, you ensure that your contributions are well-documented, well-tested, and smoothly integrated into the project's main codebase.

Remember, effective communication and collaboration are crucial in open-source projects. Always be respectful and responsive to feedback from other contributors

Additional Resources

For further guidance and to deepen your understanding, refer to the GitHub Training Manual.

There are additional resources available for GitHub Skills and GitHub training that offer more practical and engaging training.

Engaging with FORESIGHT projects on GitHub is an exciting opportunity to contribute to meaningful initiatives and collaborate with a diverse community of developers. With proper training and adherence to best practices, your contributions can have a lasting impact.