Land use and land use change
Posted on Mon 25 September 2023 in Research

Land use change modelling plays a pivotal role in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. As our planet grapples with the increasingly evident effects of climate change, understanding and managing land use becomes essential for addressing the challenges posed by a warming world. The FUSION modelling group has, and continues to develop a suite of tools designed to inform both research and policy in regards to land use, land use change outcomes.
These tools sets allow for the estimation of emissions and removlas in regards, allow for the prioritisation of high emission areas, and potential mitigation and adaptation pathways. This allows us to increase our understanding of potential environmental trade-offs, such as biodiversity, water quality and air quality.
The FUSION research team bot develops new tools, such as the GOBLIN (General Overview for a Backcasting approach to Livestock INtensification) land balance model, as well as integrating existing tool sets, such as tier 3 CBM CFS3 (Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector) forest stock change model.
Development of these tools allows us to support we support evidence-based decision making and assist policymakers in developing strategies that maximize the climate change mitigation potential.
Our research organization unites scholars from diverse disciplines and adopts a comprehensive "whole system" perspective when it comes to model development.