Posted on Tue 27 August 2024 in Projects

Future ORiEnted ScenarIo modellinG of Holistic land use sTrategies


The FORESIGHT project is funded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications under services contract to provide agriculture and land use modelling Services to Ireland’s Climate Action …

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Goblin Package Documentation

Posted on Fri 29 March 2024 in Student Resources


This document provides an overview of the GOBLIN lite packages, including links to their documentation and source code repositories. The documentation is being actively developed and updated. While some packages may not have extensive documentation available yet, their basic usage and descriptions can be found in the README files …

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Getting Started with Python

Posted on Tue 03 October 2023 in Student Resources

Python Logo

Welcome to the world of programming with Python!

Working with a new language can be a real challenge; it requires patience and determination. But, it can also allow you a great deal of flexibility in terms of creating resources with real utility. At FUSION, that is what we do. We …

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Life Cycle Assessment Modelling

Posted on Mon 25 September 2023 in Research

Life Cycle Assessment

The FUSION modelling group has expertise in bespoke attributional and consequential Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) modelling. We specialize in conducting LCA analyses for various sectors, considering multi-sectoral value chains at the national and regional levels. Our modelling techniques enable scenario generation to support evidence-based decision making.

Our multi-disciplinary team of …

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Posted on Mon 25 September 2023 in Projects

Aims and Objectives

EAT-Packaging will apply cutting-edge life cycle thinking and value chain analysis, in combination with stakeholder engagement, to review the potential deployment of edible packaging in terms of environmental sustainability and techno-economic feasibility.

The project will address the following objectives: - Review the state-of-the-art regarding edible packaging use in …

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Land use and land use change

Posted on Mon 25 September 2023 in Research

Forest Land use

Land use change modelling plays a pivotal role in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. As our planet grapples with the increasingly evident effects of climate change, understanding and managing land use becomes essential for addressing the challenges posed by a warming world. The FUSION modelling group …

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Integrated Assessment Modelling

Posted on Mon 25 September 2023 in Research

Agricultural Land use

Human land use, especially in the context of agriculture, has far-reaching consequences, not only for the environment but also for the economy. Our Integrated Assessment Models explore the multifaceted impacts of land use practices, and highlight the need for evidence-based assessments to inform policies that promote sustainability and address economic …

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Environmental Software Engineering

Posted on Wed 06 September 2023 in Research

Agricultural Land use

FUSION researchers specialise in environmental software engineering, developing bespoke software solutions to address complex challenges in land use and environmental assessment. Our notable contributions include the development of GOBLIN (General Overview for a Backcasting approach to Livestock INtensification) and GeoGOBLIN.

GOBLIN is an open-source land balance model available on Zenodo …

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Life Cycle Assessment

Posted on Wed 06 September 2023 in Student Resources

LCA logo

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Free to access resources
  3. Other resources
  4. Impact categories and impact assessment method
  5. Online courses

1. Introduction

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology used to quantify the potential impacts a product-system might have on the environment. A product-system includes the use of energy and resources as …

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Introduction to IPCC Guidelines

Posted on Wed 06 September 2023 in Student Resources


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Online courses
  3. Get more information
  4. GHG accounting at organisational and product levels

1. Introduction

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 6th, 1988, with the aim of assessing the scientific literature on the potential …

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